
Friday, June 3, 2016

Signs that Early Intervention is Working

Nearly a year ago my son lost all speech. He never said mama,  stopped saying daddy and rarely babbled. It's the reason we had him evaluated and sought out help for him even when others were saying "he's just a bit behind." Even our pediatrician didn't think anything was wrong but my gut new better. 

I would have given anything to be wrong but taking the time to prove it to myself turned out to be a good thing. I trusted my instinct, I wasn't wrong and though that was disappointing, we got him the early intervention and today something awesome happened. 

E's ABA therapist was over working with him on requests. 
ABA: Would you like a show E?
(He often gives signs or brief 1 or 2 word answers.)

E: No, I wan Wall-e and Eba. (No, I want Wall-e and Eva.)

I heard it clear as day. Had I not been in the room,  I wouldn't of believed it and more importantly, I wouldn't have heard it. I cried. My son had spoken his first true sentence and it was a spontaneous response. It was so awesome. 

Then E topped that. He knew what he had accomplished, I seen it in his face. I was so overwhelmed with emotion I had to walk away briefly. When I came back into his sight, he walked up to me and said "mama" and dipped his head. A sign that he wants affection. I kissed him and he raised his head and arms, now he was asking for a hug. As if he knew I needed it more then he wanted it. Either way, I happily obliged. It was a great moment. 

He went back down and back to his ABA to watch  Wall-e. We were beaming with pride. I still am.

He has since reverted back to his normal two to three word phrases but I know it's in there. His mind just needs more time to learn how to get it all out more consistently. 

All I can say is trust your instinct, fight for your kids, be their advocate and get them the help you think they need. In E's case, Early Intervention, Speech and ABA helped him get to this moment. I am thankful for his team every day. 

Just a note of thanks:

Mrs.Sallie you've helped me as a mother, a friend and family advocate. My son may not have received this help early on if it were not for you telling me to trust my thoughts. "A mother knows..." Thank you for supporting me and centering me as a mom. I know you will say it is your job to help but I know you go far beyond that. You are truly an angel on earth.❤️

Ms. Jill, I can't say enough about all you do to help and encourage E to speak. You are so great with him. You have become a very special part of our family and we are so grateful to have you as E's Speech Pathologist. We know E loves you just as much as we do. You helped make this happen. You Rock! 

Thanks for following and have a blessed day.

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