
Friday, July 29, 2016

Music really is good for the soul

Anyone that knows my son, knows that he is obsessed with the movie Wall-e. It's not only the movie he loves but the music from the film. E currently loves this song by Louis Armstrong "La Vie en Rose". I mean loves it! I have had to download the lyrics to learn and memorize this song for him. It's funny to me because they only use a short clip of the song in the movie but he loves it.

E likes for me to sing to him at night as he falls asleep and we have tossed Old McDonald out and moved in a more soulful song.  I am pretty sure he has an old soul inside of him. Either way, I like the change and that he is showing us his likes as well.

Here is a video clip of Louis Armstrong singing La Vie En Rose in 1959.

Here is the Wall-e movie clip where they use the La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong.

If you have never seen this movie check it out. It really is a great movie and for kids that don't speak or speak much, they really seem to enjoy it. Helps build thoughtful imagination.

Here are the lyrics to La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong if you are not familiar.

Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose
When you kiss me heaven sighs
And tho I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose. 
When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
And when you speak, angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be la vie en rose.

You see, he is a soulful little boy. Music is actually very therapeutic for him and helps him calm down almost always. I hope you check the movie and music out,  at least for your kids. 

Thanks for following and have a blessed day.

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Happy Birthday

Day 2 at hospital
First day home together
First photo shoot
Three years ago today, I gave birth to two very beautiful but early babies. They were born 5 weeks early and weighed in 4.4 lbs and 5. 4 lbs. They were so small, I can still recall how scared I was to bring them home, especially my boy. Seeing them in NICU with all those wires and feeding tubes, I prayed I would be able to bring them home sooner then later. When I was able to bring them home within the week, I was elated. Eight months of doing my best to keep them in but they were finally here and leaving healthy. Prayers answered.

Since that day, we have watched them as they have discovered the world around them, developing what I hope is a life long friendship with their older brother and building a twin bond that is as strong as both their personalities. They fight as much as they do hug and kiss one another. 

Now they are three years old and each showing their own very distinct personalities. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't laugh with the kids. We absolutely love them and though they were a surprise, with many sleepless nights, we also know they are a blessing.  I would change nothing. 

Happy Birthday my babies!  

Mama, Daddy and Nono love you both so much. Thanks for bringing double the love into our lives and filling our hearts exponentially. 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Vacation was a learning experience

Vacation Travels 

My husband and I use to love to travel. With our first son we continued to travel though most trips were kept within the states. Yet, since the twins birth, we as a family have not taken any trips. The past three years have been strictly focused on adjusting to life with multiples and my singleton. We decided it was time to take a vacation.

We headed to Pennsylvania to visit my friends, then to New York and New Jeresy to visit more family and friends. 

The road trip wasn't as bad as I imagined. We stopped five times so we could allow the kids some play time. Making sure the boys got in some sensory time. We went to one park near Madison University that my kids absolutely loved. It was completely made of wood and it was like a jig-saw puzzle and maze in one. Great fun.

Pennsylvania went great. My friends house is pretty big and full of stuff for kids, so my kids were entertained. E seemed to love the staircase. We all must have gone up those stairs at lest 10-15 times. I was so proud of E because despite it being a new place with sort of new faces he adjusted fairly well. He even gave out some hugs and hand holding. If you knew him a year ago,  you would know that this is a huge deal. 

Then came Jersey and seeing grandparents. He loves them and so I know he would be excited to see them. But we didn't give him much time to adjust to new space or place. We dragged him in hotel room, then dragged him back out to take him to a park. I went on the insistence of others but was weary of how he would do. He didn't like the change of car,room,car, stroller. He fought us on that but once we let him play he was happy. He was running from one end to another because it was a great deal of stimuli for him. He was happy and enjoying himself so I let him have his fun. 

The next day was when things went bad for a moment. I thought that we were going to the zoo. I planned mostly quiet and serene activities for kids.  What I wasn't prepared for was the amusement park next to the zoo. It's nothing big just a few rides for kids and a few games. But for E, it must have been a nightmare. Kids screaming, bells going off, the rides making their own specific noises and then the voices, so many. He went on one ride ok, the train. E really liked it but I think it was so exciting for him that it spun him out. We tried the carousel but he wanted no part of it. He wanted to go on a car but he couldn't decide which one he wanted and then refused to be buckled in. "I want red car." I took him to red car but the inside was yellow, "No, I want red car!" Now I was questioning his knowledge of colors. Switching from car to car, finally I got him buckled in, he freaked. I asked them to stop ride. He was wailing and kicking. Scratching at my face and glasses. Even ripped some hair out. That's when I experienced it. I started to see people as if they were talking about us, starring, pointing, perhaps even criticizing. One woman was even bold enough to say "Wow,  looks like you have wild one there. Is he always like that?" Not sure why people feel the need to comment or shame you. She was lucky I was with my kids.  Then E ripped and tore at me again as we tried to leave park. His dad then took over. I broke down in tears. This place, a place most kids would love, was obviously painful, perhaps even tortuous for E. We had to get him out of there. 

I sucked up my tears and jumped back into super mom mode. His dad tried a ride with him but that didn't go well either. I grabbed him and took him out of amusement park. Found a quiet spot and calmed him. He was wound up bad. So I let him walk a bit but he was running and tossing himself on ground. I took him and sat him in the stroller. Hydrated him but he tossed the bottle around instead. I let him. Even made it into a bit of a silly game. We started to move. Things got quieter and calmer. He was finally silent. We looked at animals and eventually he fell asleep. It was all to much for him, exhausted by his outburst he slept. Kind of like how a computer has to reboot after a system crash. 

After that,  the remainder of the trip went fairly easy. E had a few small outburst but nothing like the one he had at the Flushing Park. My new mantra "Face, Space and Place." Give my son E enough time to adjust to people even if he already knows them. Don't allow people to come at him fast, loud or touch him. And be sure to find a quiet place were ever we go. 

I recently watched this video from The National Autistic Society and I found it to be very insightful. It gives the Autistic perspective of the world around them. Whether you know or don't think you know anyone with Autism you should watch this. I watched it in a dark room with headphones and held the smart phone close to my eyes to really try to give myself the feel of the video. Try it, see if you can make it to the end comfortably. It changed the way I see everything now. Click HERE for video


I want to thank the staff at the Fantasy Forest Flushing Meadow Carousel and Amusement Park. They gave me a red band to wear that noted to staff that we had a special needs child that would require more time to adjust to rides, require a gentle approach and made them alert incase of wondering/dangers. They were super with E. Even when he was screaming and fighting,  they remained calm and supportive of us. Though it was a nightmare for E, my other two kids loved it. I appreciated the care they showed us. 

Now all I need is a vacation from my vacation. We arrived home and happy but emotionally and physically drained. It will be awhile before we go on any vacations again. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Praying for a Miracle

Yesterday, I found myself yelling at my kids. Everyone was screaming and carrying on. It was like most days in my house, one kid fighting with the other over something or another. When a calm came over me. I remembered how lucky I am to have three beautifully healthy children. I remembered sweet little Kaylin.

Now I don't know Kaylin and her family personally but I know of them through my sister and niece who are close with the family. Kaylin is a 5 year old fighting cancer. She was doing fairly well until recently when Pneumonia got a hold of her. She is now in critical condition fighting for her life.
Through out it all, she has seemed to take the fight of cancer in stride. A strong and determined little girl. Now another battle lays before her as her family sits by her side awaiting a miracle.

Kaylin's fight reminded me to hug my kids and not stress out so much about how they fight or terrorize the house. I am not going to let them destroy it or anything but I did stop yelling and tried a  more peaceful calm approach to handling the situation.

No longer will I say "I need a vacation from my kids." I mean, I will try to keep myself in check. They are precious and the time we have with them should be spent that way.

To Kaylin and her family,
We are praying for you to get better. For you to have relief from these battles you were handed. That God shows his grace as so many pray for a miracle. May God give your parents the strength to continue to be strong as they sit by your side. You are a loved little girl by so many.