
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Praying for a Miracle

Yesterday, I found myself yelling at my kids. Everyone was screaming and carrying on. It was like most days in my house, one kid fighting with the other over something or another. When a calm came over me. I remembered how lucky I am to have three beautifully healthy children. I remembered sweet little Kaylin.

Now I don't know Kaylin and her family personally but I know of them through my sister and niece who are close with the family. Kaylin is a 5 year old fighting cancer. She was doing fairly well until recently when Pneumonia got a hold of her. She is now in critical condition fighting for her life.
Through out it all, she has seemed to take the fight of cancer in stride. A strong and determined little girl. Now another battle lays before her as her family sits by her side awaiting a miracle.

Kaylin's fight reminded me to hug my kids and not stress out so much about how they fight or terrorize the house. I am not going to let them destroy it or anything but I did stop yelling and tried a  more peaceful calm approach to handling the situation.

No longer will I say "I need a vacation from my kids." I mean, I will try to keep myself in check. They are precious and the time we have with them should be spent that way.

To Kaylin and her family,
We are praying for you to get better. For you to have relief from these battles you were handed. That God shows his grace as so many pray for a miracle. May God give your parents the strength to continue to be strong as they sit by your side. You are a loved little girl by so many.

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