
Monday, October 3, 2016

When the spinning gets out of control

I like to think I'm a good mom, at least I try. This week however,  I would have to say I am mediocre at best. The boys can get bored of the Sensory Diets in place so every now and then it needs tweaking. The boys have just been spinning out of control. Some days, they are literally spinning out of control, like spin tops, circling and bouncing off of walls and furniture until they fall.  I know this meant they were in need of some new sensory play but honestly, I've been so tired.  I get run down trying to keep up with it so I know I can't blame them. So what do I do for my reality check?

Most importantly, I ground myself. Just like my kids, sometimes I can feel like things are spinning out of control. Kids screaming, jumping, climbing or fighting will do that to you.  Unlike them, my spinning is only in the figurative sense. The best way I ground myself is to breathe. Allow myself to listen and feel each breath. That is honestly the best thing I can do. Once that is completed, I take a good luck at the boys and remind myself the kind of mom they need. Key word, NEED. Parenthood is a stressful job, put a child with special needs into that equation and it's doubly hard. Reminding myself that they need me helps me mentally realign.

Once I am in check, I start making the calls to the Occupational Therapists to get feedback and ideas for the kids. Now I know they haven't been getting enough sensory play but I also know they get bored of doing the same things so I am always looking or asking for new suggestions.  I could beat myself up on how I fail them by not always bringing my A game but what would be the point. They don't need a mom who wallows. They need a mom who gets it done.

Here are the latest suggestions for the boys sensory diets to help calm them down a bit and allow them to feel more grounded.Couldn't we all just be more grounded?

Proprioceptive Activities

When they receive enough sensory play, they are great listeners, attentive and super calm. Getting new suggestions benefits us all as a family.  I do whatever it takes to ensure that all three of my children grow up in a home that is loving and attentive to their needs but sometimes you just need a minute for yourself. It's a struggle and I may take a mental hiatus sometimes of what I need to do but it doesn't last. It can't, my kids need me to much.

Thanks for following and have a blessed day.

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