
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

SFM- Summer Fatigued Mom

You know that first time you take your kid to preschool or kindergarten and you are just balling because you are so sad over letting go. That your sweet baby is growing up so you just burst into tears?

Well, I am so over that! Now I a praying for school to start back up. At this point, I am tired of serving meals, of answering a million and one questions, of reading the same book over and over, the arguing and knock out battles in the house, the "Mama!?,  It's my toy!, No, It's my toy!" You get to the point.  They take you to that place mentally where you just want to scream at all of them.  Pull at your hair, cry and hide in the pantry while eating something you know full well you have no business eating. Which by the way I do all of that, somedays I do one or two and other days, the challenging  days, I am yelling at the kids from the pantry, stuffing cookies in my face and and chanting "I love my children." 

Come on parents, you know what I am talking about? You love your kids and you actually love spending time with them but your learning the benefits of having them in intervals. School gives us that break. Especially for us stay-at-home parents. You spend the entire summer planning every moment of their day out. You make sure everyone gets to camp and the right camp on the right day for the right kid. Add any therapies to that and you officially are a taxi driver for the summer. If only my kids tipped.  And to top it off, while on a trip attempting to build memories, my eldest son guilted me into buying him a Hermit crab which is God awful looking and I am secretly praying it doesn't live the 20 years predicted. So I just added one more thing into my life for me to keep alive. (This one is on me!) It's exhausting!

With all that running around comes a crazy amount of stress and exhaustion. Add a few kids that never stop talking and or fighting and your just about done. Ready to send them back with their little book bags on and see them off for 8 beautiful hours.  Even as I right this, my daughter lays beside me crying and screaming that she wants to go see her grandmother, that it's not fair she doesn't get to go, despite her just being there all day yesterday.  Now I am not sure if this is an actual diagnosis,  I am not a doctor by any means but I call what I am experiencing SFM (Summer Fatigued Mom). I'm done!

Though I would like nothing more then to check out at least emotionally, I can not. So like all good parents, I grab a cup of Joe, maybe eat a few cookies that I shouldn't and keep on pushing on until school starts up again. I continue to say things throughout the day like "Oh that's great! Wow! Ah huh. STOP! What are you doing?!  Why did you just do that? What did you think was going to happen when you put the entire roll of paper in the toilet? No Unicorns aren't real. Yes, Santa is as real as you want him to be. Screaming doesn't change the fact that I'm still trying to ignore you. You see why they tell you NOT to put slime in your hair? " It can go on forever and it does. 

Hope you all are enjoying your summer and taking the time to fit in some special memories in the midst of all the madness.

We are blessed for sure.

With love and dedication, anything is possible!

PS- if you child asks you for a Hermit crab, say NO!