
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Seeing the changes

Some of my readers know, I have been struggling with my youngest son, E and his school. We felt as though he was not receiving the proper education he deserved or that he was being treated improperly. Not abuse, but lack of skill, knowledge and passion still made it traumatic. Socially and academically he was not thriving in his school. He hated going. Being constantly shoved in a "Quiet Room" did NOT exactly help build a strong bond with the teacher and the room assistants, as well as the school administration.

We were constantly getting calls from the school about his behaviors but we assumed he was getting some work done. To the point that when the phone rang, my husband and I would immediately stress out. The teacher never communicated enough with us about how we can advance him academically or even with the specifics to what they were dealing with unless it was related to negative behaviors. I was always the one asking for homework or for insight on his day. Communications were only about his behavior through app messaging (requested by me) or mandatory paperwork. The avoidance got to be so much in the classroom that my son wasn't learning at all. However, I didn't know this until the 3rd quarter progress report came in. We just assumed he was getting some of the work done. Six months had past and he was losing all that he had gained.

Very quickly, I made an appointment to speak with the school principal to discuss my concerns and she seemed shocked that I was complaining about the teacher and that my child with said teacher was not thriving. Believe it or not, she then told me, I wasn't the only parent with this concern and she isn't exactly aware of what is going on in that classroom. She said she was "in the dark." THE PRINCIPAL. She said she would get back to me. Could you imagine? It felt as though she was blowing me off. I left that meeting with such frustration and anger about the lack of passion she showed that I put a call into the school district.

Finally, the staff in special services at the district office came through for us, removed him from the school and transferred him to another. We were so happy about this. I believe my son suffered some level of trauma while in their care, which built distrust with those from that school. They weren't going to get anything accomplished with him. The move gave us hope that with a new slate, E could finally begin to learn and to love learning. Only a few weeks in and we can already see some positive changes. The teacher communicates regularly with us. Shares not just the failures of the day but also his successes. E shares with us small details of his day in a positive light.

The other night E was using a small learn and play computer, he said he was doing "Homework". He was getting the answers right and asking for help when he was not sure. I was so proud of him. Then to my surprise, he asked for a desk so that he could do more homework. I mentioned to him that in order to do that, I would have to get rid of his Rocket tent and asked if he was really okay with that. E loves this tent. There are nights he prefers to sleep in the tent versus his own comfy bed. So when he said "yes" I cried because that was his way of letting me know, he is enjoying learning.

Don't get me wrong,I know the E still has a long way to go. We are still dealing with behaviors but he is working through them. He is capable. For him to be in the care of others who believe in his potential, who have the training and passion to help him achieve all that he is capable of, well that is just like bringing sight to a blind man. We can't wait to see what is to come.

We are blessed for sure.

With love and dedication anything is possible!