
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Father’s Day

This past Sunday it was Father's day, and we spent the day with my dad. We surrounded him with lots of love, food, family and laughter.This year, I had such a hard time picking out a card for him. What kind of card could I find that would show how grateful I have been to have him in my life and thankful for all he has done for me. I figured he had seen his fair share of fart joke cards to last a lifetime and I wanted my words to mean something. So instead of a card, I’m writing this for him. 

Father's Day is that gentle reminder of just how much our dads mean to us. We are supposed to rush out  to the stores and buy them all kinds of “Hallmark” marketed items and this year I knew I needed to do more.

When I was Child, I adored my dad and as a teenager, I fought with him. As an adult, I was able to see my father differently, forgive his wrong doings and become friends with him. He may not realize it but within the past 6 years, he has become my best friend. He's the person I go to when I seek advice, comfort, media updates or just a good laugh. I like to think as an adult, I haven’t squandered a moment with him.

Now that he's reached his later years and is battling age and life,  I only hope that I can be the love and support that he needs because he has given that to me.

Dad when you read this, I hope you know just how much you mean to me, how much I love you, and how much my children love you. That you realize how grateful I am for all you have done for us. As my father you made sure that we always had a roof over our head and that we never went without. As a grandfather, you subbed in as a temporary dad when it was necessary and became my sons best friend too. My children love you so much and that fills my heart as I know it does yours. 

So to you dad, I'd like to say on this thanks for getting better with age. For always loving me even when I didn't appreciate what I had before me. For teaching me the love of baseball and that there was nothing wrong with having my own opinions. For helping me become the strong, independent woman I am today. For being my strength when I lacked it, the voice of reason when by temper got the best of me but most of all, for becoming my friend.

I love you dad!!

We are blessed for sure.

With love and dedication anything is possible!