
Monday, July 1, 2019

Enter the World of Meds

Not to long ago, we succumb to the idea that our son may need a little more help when it came to self control and impulsivity. We had done so much with Behavioral Therapy in hopes that it would help curve some of his maladaptive behaviors but then Early Autism Project just dropped him. The same therapy that is meant to work with and improve those behaviors, used his behavior as their excuse. It was repulsive really but while we were in search of a new ABA provider, we knew something needed to be done to keep him and others safe. Enter the world of Meds.

We met with his Behavior Pediatrician and discussed our  medication options. You may recall me discussing this in one of my other posts. I had genuine concerns about how the medication/s would affect him. My worry is that he could get worse, that the medications could mess around with his young developing mind or that it could be lethal. All reasonable thoughts and concerns. These medications are all stimulants and he is only five years old my feelings were legitimate.

The key for us is that he has a wonderful Behavioral Pediatrician who heard my concerns and understood E’s situation. She knew he was a very bright boy with a vivid imagination who often had sensory and major impulsivity issues that presented poor choice making and sometimes extreme aggression. I wanted to help my son before he hurt himself or someone else. He is super strong and I knew it was only a matter of time. So we agreed to try a drug that was a Non-stimulant first, Guinifance (Tenex). There were some risks involved as it had never been tested on a boy his age but they outweighed the other stimulant side effects so we started him on it right away. To start the dose would be very small, that would increase slowly but not exceed 5mls a day.

We slowly worked him up to 3.5 mls in the am which lasted 12 hours and a second dose of 2 mls once at home. He was showing signs that the medications were working. He was listening to instruction better and was taking naps right after school. However, problems started to present themselves in different ways. He now was falling asleep in class despite having a good nights rest and his blood pressure was a bit low at times. After meeting with doctor again, she decided it would be best to lower his meds. We then went from 3.5 mls in am and then no medication upon arrival home. Then a few weeks went by and he was still showing the same issues but then things managed to get way worse. The school nurse called me stating that he was cold outside but it was 90 degrees out. When they brought him in, he fell asleep and when she took his BP it was dangerously low. The school RN hydrated him, called the doctor and sent him home. The doctor immediately called me and told us to stop the medication all together. At this point, I had already decided this as well. I rather be dealing with the impulsivity and hyperactivity then risking his health or worse his life.

Now he is taking nothing prescribed but is doing a few things differently suggested by the Behavioral Pediatrician. He drinks a small bit of coffee with milk as it has a reverse affect on his hyperactivity. I am sure plenty of parents would be against this idea but I was fine with it. Culturally,  I grew up with a grandmother that gave us coffee and milk as small children so I see no harm in it.  The only issue is that I can’t give him that at school. So I will cross that bridge when we come to it.

We also tried Chamomile drops but it gave him a severe rash. Strangely, he doesn’t have the same reaction when he drinks the brewed tea. He took Genius Drops for focus and attention but that ironically made him more hyper. I have also started giving him vitamins with Omega’s to boost his neurological development. Normally, he refuses all vitamins especially the gummy type ones but he takes this liquid just fine. It is strawberry banana flavored and he and his siblings love it too. The entire family loves Barlean’s Omega-3, and it is highly recommended by our family. For everything else, the search goes on.

We are blessed for sure.

With love and dedication anything is possible!

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