
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Back to School already?!

The start of the morning was the same as it has been all summer, kids crawling into our bed, wanting extra cuddles and trying to get a bit more sleep. My daughter and my oldest boy starting looking for a way around going to school. As if there was a way out of it. With all the energy I could muster at 5:45 am I said “OH NO! It’s first day of school and we are not starting the year off wrong. Happy faces and lets get going.” My youngest son however, ignored the siren alarms of his clocks. When I walked in, he went and turned off his light and said “It’s too early and I too tired. I going back to sleep.” Eventually, I was able to evict him from his room and get the day started.

Even with a daily chart that lists EVERYTHING he is supposed to do, N just couldn’t get going or didn’t want to. He wanted to have a debate on what he wanted to now wear and a discussion on how the girls were going to love him this year. LOL! To which my response was “Ummm, NO!” And I moved him along to the bathroom to complete his am routine. He cracks me up. We took our first day of school pictures.  I couldn’t fit it in but in addition to his wanting to be a veterinarian, he wants to be a paleontologist. I reminded him that school was the way to get there. After breakfast, he danced and hopped in the car to make a start for a brand new year but not until he blew me a kiss and said “Make good changes in the world.” Oh my heart loves him so.

My daughter, who is almost always the first to be dressed was ready to go and looked dazzling this am. There was a bit of whinnying but she slowly started to show her joy about the start of the school year. She looked so cute,  wearing her frilly skirt and laced top. Ready to take on the school and show them what she’s got. She couldn’t be happier.  I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she said to no surprise “Artist and MARINE” That last part was a surprise but I think her father coached her into saying it, so I didn’t add it to the board. We had breakfast, did our morning group dance and off we went for drop off. I love dancing with them all in the morning but she looked so happy it was contagious.

Dad would take care of drop off for my daughter and oldest son, while I got E ready for his drop off. He didn’t want to eat breakfast so that would be a meal he would have in the car. He happily allowed me to take a picture and insisted on how to take the group shot. He is an awesome little boy. Then he fought a bit about what sneakers he would wear but he surrendered once we told him that the old sneakers were dirty. We danced to his favorite song from Bon Jovi “You Give Love a Bad Name” and off we went.

On the way there, E asked me “Mama, Am i going to Mr. M?” I assured him he was not going back to that old school and would never see Mr. M again. I could sense his fear as we drove to school. He asked again “Mama, Am i going to my old school?” I again assured him that he was going with the “Nice teacher, Mrs. Lewis” As we approached the road to his school, he said “I think I remember this school” and I just did my best to keep reassuring him that he was going to be okay. That I would NEVER let him go back to that school. We drove up to the drop off and he refused to get out even with me at the door.  As the teacher walked over, I told the teacher that he needed to see her and what he was experiencing. When he saw her, he allowed the door to stay unlocked, I opened the door and he let out a sigh of relief and said “High five Mrs. Lewis?” She gave him that high five and told him he would be okay. With all the things he forgets, this wasn’t an experience easily forgotten. I wanted to cry. Even as I write this I want to cry. What he must have suffered to still fear that place and that man. And when think I played a part in it, it just tears at me. He put his book bag on, walked over to give me a kiss and said “Bye Mama” smiled his big smile and disappeared behind the door. My sweet ‘possum.

My daughter had asked me if I was going to be happy with them going back to school and though I joke with them, I told her “Mama likes when you go to school because I know you are learning and able to play with friends but Mama will also miss you because I love having you near too.”  It isn’t easy leaving them in the hands of others. Especially after the year E had last school year. He isn’t the only one that has to learn to trust again. I just keep praying for a better outcome while vigantly doing my best to keep them all safe.

Here is to hoping and praying that they have a safe and happy school year.

We are blessed for sure.

With love and dedication anything is possible!

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