
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Check out day


It was our last day and we planned to make the best of it. The night before we told the kids the plan. As soon as we woke up we were to get in our beach where and head out to the beach for one hour followed by the pool for another hour. This would give us enough time to go back to room, wash up and clear out. Plan ago. We were up early, as usual, so we headed out to the beach as planned with the kids and sand buckets. 

Things were going well. The beach was fairly empty still and the kids were having great fun. E had seemed to learn to stay closer to the shore line after a wave toppled him over yesterday. He mostly played with the sand trying to build a mote. N was flopping around in the water still looking for shells, lava rocks and bits or coral. My daughter was in her glory playing with two little babies digging in the sand. Everything was calm and all appeared to be happy.

Then, without warning E took off down the beach. I called for him to turn back but he didn’t listen. He just kept running following the shore line, so at this point I now had to become an Olympic sprinter and start after him. Gosh, it is terribly difficult running in sand and my feet are torn up from all the broken seashells I stepped on during the chase. Finally, I grab him. Thankfully, he gets to close to the water and a wave hits him and slows him down. After I catch my breath, while still holding him, I ask him “Why did you run away?” He just looked at me and laughed “I was going on an adventure.” I began to tell him about the dangers of running into the ocean alone. That he doesn’t know how to swim and if something happened maybe we wouldn’t be able to help him. I asked him “what happens if you go in the water and you can’t swim? He replied “I would drown.”  So he gets it but why he doesn’t follow the rules is beyond me. My husband says he is fearless and it’s true but he is also wreck-less. Then again, he is only 6. We left the beach after this. I was done.

As I played in the pool with the kids, I thought about what could have set him off on his run. He doesn’t like the sand feeling, the birds were flying over, the crowd was starting to grow and there were more voices near by, the crashing of the waves, the wind was blowing and his sister was screeching.  That couldn’t of been it because he said he was “going on an adventure.” He may possibly have an ear infection again, those often make him unsettled. Or maybe he just felt like running. Though he is improving, E’s explications are never solid, so I may never know.

I see parents lounging back on beach chairs and their kids playing nice on the beach. Staying close or
Sprinting position
constantly checking in while their parents read or close their eyes. Their is a trust their and a level of comfort we do not have with our kids. I was able to do it with N and EM more this trip but E just kept me up on guard. Seeing this often makes me question the type of parent I am. Maybe I’m not as good as those parents. That I’m not doing something right. Then I brush away those negative thoughts and move on. I watched as he played in the sand. He was content but always looked like he was prepared to sprint off at any given moment. Which he did end up doing. It must be nice to sit back like that, enjoy the sounds of the beach and just be in a relaxed state. Those parents don’t realize how lucky they are to have those moments come easy. I long for that day. I believe it will come but with a great deal of hard work on our end. Well worth it if we can get him their.

There were a few outbursts in the car and likely from being locked down for so long. Despite some of the stresses of the trip, overall, we had a great trip. The kids were happy and we were happy to give them this experience. The more we expose them to things, the better their chances are of having a full and happy life that prepares them for the real world because the real world is rough.

We are blessed for sure.

With love and dedication anything is possible!

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