
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Mom needs a vacation

I know I am not alone when I tell you all that I am ready for the kids to go back to school. I have been doing more running around over the summer then the school year. Juggling from taking care of my kids to caring for my parents. I’m spent and ready for my vacation to start...the school year.

Fond memories of Mr. Softee
My kids seem to think that they deserve all these fun camps. My son told me in his whinniest voice, “I worked hard all school year and this is my reward.” I shared with him that when I was a kid, my reward for doing well in school was chasing after a Mr. Softee truck in 100 degree weather, buying a oh so cooling Ice Cream cone or a frozen rocket pop and enjoying it as it melted in my hand. I never attended one single camp as a kid and I turned out just fine. However, where we live, kids don’t play much outside over the summer, they all seem to go to camp. So despite my not wanting to join in with “the Jones’” I send my kids to camp.

Now exhausted and drained from all the running around, the playing kitchen, ghost mom and explaining things over and over again, I am reminded of a commercial from when I was a kid. This may show my age but do any of you remember this commercial... “Calgon, Take Me Away” It was a popular commercial in the late 70’s, early 80’s.

I can relate to the first ten seconds of this video as many parents can. Often I feel like I am in charge of everything and feel increasingly overwhelmed especially because my kids require a great deal of juggling during the school year. The summer is like a three ring circus. 

As a kid, I laughed at this silly commercial. I couldn’t relate at all and thought it was ridiculous that she thought a bath could fix her problems. That thought still holds true. However, these day, I do relate to the sense of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated and how a calming bath could potentially help ease some of the stress. Watching it now, I still laugh because I’m like what was she complaining about?  She gets to take a long bath in that giant tub. I don’t even have time to fill my small tub before some little person comes knocking on the door or jumps in for themselves. 

As I write this, my youngest son is asking me to repair his toy hedgehog “He needs surgery!” And my daughter, is requesting that I change her splint for her broken finger. Yeah did I mention that she broke her finger over the summer on the exact same day she broke her collarbone last year. Yea! So “Calgon, take me away” but like really away, far away....please!!!

Clearly, I joke about it all because thats the only way to survive it most days. Laughing at myself is my coping skill. How do you manage when your kids are driving you a bit bonkers or to the end of your rope?  

Hope you all are fairing well this summer and looking forward to a pleasant start to a new school year, I know I am. 

We are blessed for sure.

With love and dedication anything is possible!

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