
Monday, September 2, 2019

Cursive No More


This year my eldest son will be learning cursive or script handwriting. His little sister has already learned how to write her name and is super excited about it. The fact that she has her brother beat is even more of an ego boost for her.

In any case, N will learn that this year. We were talking about it and he tells me N - "Mama, Why do I need to learn that?"
my response was that "It's mandatory. One day you will need it to sign contracts or checks." then we get into a back and forth.

N: Well why can't I just write my name or do it on the computer? It's hard for me.
Me: Because it's what the school needs you to learn and what if someone needs the actual signature, you can't do that on the computer. (He grimaces at me)
N: Yes, Mama the computer can do the cursive for you. (As if I didn't know this)
Me: Well, that's like cheating.
N: Oh, are you sure that's cheating?
Me: That what the school needs you to learn.
N: Seems like cursive is a waist of time. Everyone uses computers now.

At this point, I was running out of responses so I ended it with the famous mom answer "Because that's just the way it is" and he gave me a look and moved on. He knew that this was the comment I make when I have had enough of his questions. I can't disagree with him, even your bills can be paid online, making checks a thing of the past and me a relic for still writing them.

This is just one of the many banters we have on a daily basis. N’s an inquisitive kid, he questions  everything and we are both smarter because of it.

We are blessed for sure!

With love and dedication anything is possible!

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