
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Where Do I Begin

A sunset by my daughter.
Where do I begin? Unless you have been under a rock, I think you all know that we are dealing with school closings do to the Covid-19 outbreak. The pandemic has clearly changed OUR lives. In-between trying to keep everyone healthy and safe, we are also trying to keep our sanity while educating our kids.

When it comes to my children’s education, I like to think of myself of as an involved parent. I do the homework, we read the books and we are forced to over-explain things, often. Then came the Coronavirus and homeschooling. It’s not that it is hard work because my kids are still young so it’s your basic school stuff right now. What is hard, is getting three kids, two with special needs, to focus long enough to get the list of items requested done. This is where my new found appreciation comes in for teachers. They have a class, sometimes up to 26 kids and they find a way to get it all done. My hats off to them.

My biggest challenges are while working with E and keeping them all engaged. Before all of these shut downs, E was spending three quarters of his day in General Education and seemingly getting the work done while getting along. His support was strong and about to get stronger. So this has absolutely put a spoke in our wheels making any successes gained come to a crashing halt. Add to that the new stress of the abrupt schedule change, the emotional and behavioral issues present with E and being told to sit down to work at home has been difficult for all. 

What missing. 


The kids are missing their teachers and classmate interactions. Zoom conference meetings just stress E out more, or over excite N. They leave E frustrated,  as he doesn’t understand the rules. N thinks its like an online show, a time to be a clown. Cleary not the same as in a school setting. E can raise his hand but the teacher may not notice him in the sea of screen faces. This is why we have chosen to no longer do Zoom meetings daily with his General Education teacher. She is awesome and means well but it’s asking a lot for a boy like E. Hands on play with peers helps him a great deal with understanding the rules of the world. He can in real time learn as he goes with teacher or Instructional Assistant there to guide when needed. Where as on an online platform,  it makes it harder to notice or meet his needs.


Then their missing the structure of the day.  Kids like E and N, thrive off of knowing what is coming next. Even your typical child takes something away from having structure in their lives. That’s one of the reasons why my oldest likes to read the last chapter of a book first, to reduce the anxiety of the unknown. 

At home, I have always tried to keep some structure but it was easy. I only had them for a few hours during the week before our bedtime routine begins. My kids normally are carted off to bed by 6:30, asleep by 7:30 latest. Most days. Now, I have all these hours to fill and we are all left struggling to either fill the time or find a pattern that works best for us all. I now try to use school language like “It’s PE time” or “Time to do some related arts.”to help ease transitions in the home. Yet with access to technology it has made it hard to keep them on task. YouTube assignments very quickly turn into Ryans Toy Review or Hobby Kids if you aren’t watching with them. So it’s eyes on all, as much as possible.


E is absolutely missing the trained support that he needs to help get him through a structured day. With less structure, come opportunities for building bad habits. He has an amazing team at school. From his Special Education teacher, General Education teacher, Instructional Assistant and the Districts Special Education Consultants but now he doesn’t have his teacher the way he did before. The IA isn’t there to give him the one on one instruction he needs, it’s all me. They have one way of handling him that works and I feel as though I am messing that all up. The Special Education teacher has done an amazing job of making sure his education tools are there for him. However, he is still lacking some therapy support. With his behavior issues, I find myself struggling some days to get things right.  E is missing out on Occupational Therapy and ABA. I have now become both of those things. Thankfully, he is currently receiving private speech at home online.   When I will get the boys back to private OT during this era is unknown. 

As we complete our second homeschooling packet, now what? We push forward the best we can. Getting a bit more organized each time and reach out more when help is needed but knowing it won’t be the same. It is a flawed system for kids who need support along with their education like mine. They just won’t be receiving those services.  How could they? It’s a brave new world and it seems those who were to supposed to NOT be left behind, are without the right support.

You become great at juggling, doing the best I can from kid to kid, hoping I am doing it right. So I do what I can to make the learning experience as fun us possible, developing my own creative ways to teach them, in addition to the packets they are expecting us to complete. 

Gardening teaches life cycle of plants

Online education built around games (Thanks to teachers!)

Observing things in nature and then learning about them.

As well as life skills. I am teaching how to do the laundry, wash dishes, weed the lawn (E is already an expert at this), scramble eggs and microwave popcorn safely. Small but age appropriate things that can benefit them in the future. Working hard with them to teach the constant need to clean hands.

For now, we push forward trying to find best solutions for all. Managing each child individually, trying to meet those specific needs while working on the school districts General Education requests. It’s not optimal, but it’s something. I remain in contact with all their teachers and make sure to build some special memories for them as well. I realize it can’t be all work, all the time. 

I would love to have my kids go back to school but not until we can get a handle on this virus. For now, I am glad they are home safe with us. If homeschooling is the best way to keep them healthy, then I will do it for as longs as it’s needed. 

My prayers are with the world right now. That you are fairing well throughout this new era. Thank your teachers and the people placing themselves at risk to help others. Be thankful for the life you have been given and grateful for each new day. This is a moment in time that will hopefully change the world for the better.

Would love to hear some thoughts from other parents or suggestions from teachers or therapist to help guide us through this.

We are blessed for sure!
With love and dedication anything is possible!

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