
Monday, October 19, 2020

Virtual School Check-in

This is just a check-in since I have been doing a poor job of sharing my experiences lately. Not for nothing but it has been an adjustment that requires a great deal of my attention. The kids are doing well and trying hard to adjust to all the change of the last few months. With virtual school in its 5th week here, we are slowly finding our rhythm. 

We started off strong, excited about the opportunity to do school at home and I was super great at my new job. They were dressed for success. Happily taking pictures in their new Covid-19 virtual Classroom. Then things changed. They logged in.

First, I had to completely separate them. They are all at different levels and schedules. Each other’s class was interfering with the others. They would get distracted easily and run over to each other’s computers to see what they were listening to or just try to be funny on camera. I have children that think they are clowns sometimes. 

We have had a few moments when the kids fell out. When I say fell out I mean tears.  My daughter who is only now just getting into virtual wasn’t really enjoying virtual like she should at the start. She would be on the floor under the kitchen table, crying or slumped over the table agonizing over her classwork. When the school was doing assessments, she would just scream “I’m so dumb!” It infuriated the both of us. She got through it but not without a huge pep talk from me. Then they decided it would be a great idea to continue the idea that awards for being robots were good and she had another meltdown. That required another pep talk but this time from her aunt (Titi) who made everything better.  Starring at an iPad has never been so boring for a child. N is doing his best so far. He has really showed me that Homeschooling really is for him. He has way less anxiety and remains more focused with less distractions because he is allowed so many breaks.  My only concern would be the lack of social emotional experiences being permitted throughout ZOOM classes.

If it’s challenging for my daughter who is “Nuero Typical” then it is much harder for EE and frankly for me too. Keeping track of three different time schedules at home for the kids has its problems. Jumping from one kid to another can be exhausting as well. Then add in the at home therapy supports and I’m spent. Getting EE to sit and maintain focus sometimes feels like I am the Wring Master in the Circus. “Come  one, come ALL!” Constantly calling a child back to the table to work independently or online. He HATES writing. Always the onion, this has raised some more questions to why he hates it so. Is it just not preferred or is there an underlying issue. It is his hand strength or is it neurological. So that’s in the works. 😩 

The zoom classes can overstimulate him and leave me wrangling him back to his chair like a lion tamer. Issuing demands and threats of “X’s” on his Response Cost System card. Which has been working. Well enough to add some rewards but not enough to have a entire day without having lost anything. The related arts classes have been the worst especially PE, leaving me with a wired child. Having had his first IEP now, we have opted out of live participation’s, allotted for more breaks with some sensory input, and widened the time frame things are do. I am way more concerned about the academics at this point and  though I know he enjoyed it in related arts person, it’s just not the same the way they are doing it virtually. So I am not upset about opting out of related arts for him. Reading, writing and Math are key goals for us.  

From here we will see how things progress. Two and half months in and we are starting to find our groove. I just hope that we all manage to find away to do this and truly gain versus regress in our learning. If you are a parent that has chosen virtual for your child(ren) I hope that you are doing well and managing. Remember this is all a new challenge for so many. Communicate often with your child’s teacher/(s) and seek help if and when you need it. Teachers want to help and they also need to know that they are supported. Create an alliance and work together. Have confidence that the best you can do, is good enough and that they will pick up where you can not. After all, most of us are not teachers but we are parents doing the best we can to protect and support our children during these unprecedented times. So talk to the teachers, it’s been a great help for us to know that we are supported in that way. 

Please feel free to share with me how you are managing during this pandemic and virtual homeschooling. I would love to hear from you. I pray you all are staying safe and making the best of this time together. Be kind and love one one another. 😷 

We are blessed for sure!
With love and dedication anything is possible!

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