
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving was a bit weird this year. Clearly Covid-19 put a kink in our usual holiday plans but we made the best of it. Adding to the holiday dilemmas, Dads birthday was on Thanksgiving this year and because of the virus we had to find other ways to celebrate safely. We all stayed home. 

After having dinners apart from extended family for the first time in years, we met up, masks on, went and wished Papa a happy 80th birthday. We hung out in and out of the garage, lawn chairs about, kids running everywhere and eventually sang him "Happy Birthday." Maybe we didn't adhere to all the CDC recommendations but we tried our best.

It was something we all needed to do today. To remind ourselves why we all had something or someone to be thankful for. Even though things didn't go perfectly,  it was as good as I usually expect things to go. My kids go nuts when they see their cousins, people get anxious and E gets fixated on something, today it was cupcakes, which ended with him getting scolded for poor choices. And this only happened within the first 20 minutes of our being there.

Despite the chaos, I was glad that we could have that family moment. My kids needed it and I think others did too. I know my dad was happy to be surrounded by us all, even if it was at a distance and masked. To me, these masks are now ant act of kindness and love. 

If you did get out with family and friends, I hope that you were able to do it safely. With all that was lost this year, it is my hope that we all did our best to keep things in perspective and realize how fortunate we are to be alive, especially now.

Be grateful, while also being considerate of those around you. We don't live in a bubble, though these days I try my best to. Do your part in helping the nation get through this pandemic. Feel good about yourself through caring for others. 

We are blessed for sure!
With love and dedication anything is possible!

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